VinDAX exchange review
VinDAX is a centralized exchange that occupies #300 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. VinDAX has trading volume US$17,846,682 in the last 24 hours and US$38,635,982,623 in the last 7 days.
VinDAX currently has 93 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and 117 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on VinDAX: BTC/USDT.
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VinDAX (Vin Digital Asset Exchange) is centralized cryptocurrency exchange. The VinDAX cryptocurrency exchange provides new investors with simple, straightforward methods to manage risk and profit, while also offering features sophisticated enough to appeal to institutional investors. The VinDAX platform is built on powerful trading data and analytics, user-friendly trading bot capabilities, integrated trading alarms for entry and exit, and a host of other features.
Users must pass KYC check for trading at higher levels. VinDAX is available on both desktop and mobile devices.
The only trading option offered by the exchange is the VinDAX spot market. At the time of writing, there are 87 coins and 182 VinDAX trading pairs available on the exchange. The most popular trading pair with the highest trading volume of VinDAX is BNB/USDT. Also, please note that VinDAX is exchange only for cryptocurrency.
Coin VinDAX (VD) is the exchange’s own service token. It is mainly used to stimulate community members. In addition, users who own a certain number of VD tokens are eligible for discounts. Check the current price of VinDAX cryptocurrency Here.
The exchange follows a flat fee model, which means that both makers and takers receive the same fees. VinDAX cryptocurrency commissions depend on the number of VD tokens owned by traders.. The commission amount changes as follows:
- 0 VD – 0.1%;
- from 1 to 50,000 VD – 0.09%;
- from 50,000 to 100,000 VD – 0.08%;
- From 100,000 to 200,000 VD – 0.07%.
You may be eligible for an additional discount if you trade VD regularly. As a result of the discount, the commission amounts are: 0.08% at level zero, 0.07% at level one, 0.06% at level two and 0.05% at level three.
As for VinDAX exchange fees, there are no fees. deposit fee. However, there are Withdrawal fee it depends on the currency. In addition, upon withdrawal, all fees will be proportionally divided, with the exception of fees associated with peer-to-peer currency tokens, which have a predetermined deflation percentage.
In addition, users must pay a one-time flat fee to have VinDAX reimburse transaction costs incurred when transferring cryptocurrency from their VinDAX accounts to external wallets.
other services
VinDAX offers two trading modes: Basic and advanced. Basic mode is better for beginner traders, while advanced mode is more suitable for experienced traders.
The exchange also offers a save feature that allows users to deposit crypto assets and earn. They can choose one of two options – flexible savings and locked savings.
In addition, the exchange offers Windows Cloud a feature that allows users to create blockchain-based platforms using VinDAX templates and experts.
Finally, VinDAX offers Launchpad. This allows new projects to launch their crypto assets through Initial Exchange Offering (IEO).
About company
VinDAX is a centralized exchange launched in 2019 and headquartered in Vietnam. The exchange was co-founded by Nam Nguyen and Michelle Nguyen.
The company secures the exchange using two-factor authentication. Additionally, it asks visitors to activate an anti-phishing code. Customers using it can verify the authenticity of emails they receive from VinDAX. However, things weren’t like that before.
On November 5, 2019, the platform was hacked by hackers. The security breach, which was the sixth such incident to occur in the cryptocurrency world this year, left the company with a loss of $50,000. Before the hack, the exchange was little known.
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