TradeOgre exchange review
TradeOgre is a centralized exchange that occupies #206 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. TradeOgre has trading volume US$2,831,629 in the last 24 hours and US$410,465,584 in the last 7 days.
TradeOgre currently has 29 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and 32 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on TradeOgre: XMR/BTC.
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Cryptocurrency exchange TradeOgre is centralized exchange which deals exclusively with cryptocurrency trading. At the time of writing, the only service offered by the exchange is crypto trading.
Despite the fact that the TradeOgre cryptocurrency exchange is centralized, it requires users to go through a KYC verification process. Access to the exchange is possible via the Internet.
The exchange provides the TradeOgre spot market with more than 90 trading pairs TradeOgre. As mentioned earlier, this is an exchange that only deals with cryptocurrencies. At the time of writing, there are three markets – BTC, USDTAnd LTC.
TradeOgre exchange fee is 0.2%. for all completed orders. However, TradeOgre’s cryptocurrency fees associated with withdrawals are determined dynamically based on the underlying crypto asset. For example, the fee for withdrawing BTC is 0.00005 BTC.
About company
TradeOgre cryptocurrency exchange is a cryptocurrency trading platform created in 2018. Its headquarters is located in California in the USA. The founders of the exchange are unknown.
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