Review of the Tokocrypto exchange
Tokocrypto is a centralized exchange that occupies #22 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Tokocrypto has trading volume US$17,918,620 in the last 24 hours and US$4,792,023,220 in the last 7 days.
Tokocrypto currently has 342 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 430 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Tokocrypto is USDT/IDR.
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TokoCrypto is an Indonesian centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX) and brokerage company. Launched in 2017, it offers spot market and trading based on artificial intelligence. In addition, users of the TokoCrypto crypto exchange can access Program “Learn and Earn” and other services provided TokoScape.
TokoCrypto complies with KYC and AML regulations and requires users to verify their IDs. The TokoCrypto spot market and other financial services are not available in countries subject to international sanctions, including Cuba, Iran and Syria.
Like many exchanges, TokoCrypto has its own token – Toko Token (TKO). Users can trade the token on the TokoCrypto spot market. TKO holders are entitled to preferential remuneration rates.
TokoCrypto supports crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat trading. Fiat at the entrance and exit for Indonesian rupiah are included. Platform supports Binance Indonesian Rupiah (BIDR), a stablecoin pegged to the value of Indonesia’s national fiat currency. There are over 570 TokoCrypto trading pairs available.
Trading bot Toko is an artificial intelligence tool that automates and optimizes the trading process. Users can choose manual settings for their TokoCrypto spot trades or use the settings recommended by the AI engine. The platform offers two bots based on KepingAI and CryptoHero.
TokoCrypto’s cryptocurrency fees are based on a multi-tiered producer-receiver model. Eat 10 levels for a total of 9 regular to VIP upgrades. Regular producer and recipient fees are 0.1% each, rising to 0.31% with tax. TKO token holders receive a 25% discount, bringing regular fees down to 0.075%.
VIP commissions are based on two criteria: TokoCrypto’s 30-day trading volume and the user’s TKO balance. Compliance with at least one of the two criteria transfers the client to the corresponding VIP level. Trading volume values are expressed in BUSD.
VIP level 1 requires a TokoCrypto volume of 1 million BUSD or at least 2500 TKO in assets. At this level the maker fee is 0.09%. The taker fee is fixed at 0.1% at all VIP levels 1–3. Starting from VIP 4, the taker fee is set at 0.04% and the maker fee is reduced to 0.02%.
There are no TokoCrypto exchange fees for deposits. Withdrawal fees are dynamic and dependent on market conditions. Withdrawal speed is updated daily and depends on the asset. Each token requires a minimum withdrawal amount.
other services
In addition to the TokoCrypto cryptocurrency exchange, customers can also access earning programs such as daily tasks, Lock & Earn or Learn & Earn. These services allow clients to earn TKO tokens as rewards for participation.
The TokoCrypto cryptocurrency exchange is part of Blockchain ecosystem TokoScape. This means that exchange users can access additional Toko services such as the NFT marketplace and blockchain launchpad.
TokoMall ecosystem NFT Marketplace. Users can mint, purchase, exchange and store their non-fungible tokens. The platform hosts exclusive collectibles and offers a mysterious NFT program known as TokoSurprise.
T-pad launcher is a platform for financing and launching new blockchain projects through initial DEX offerings (IDO). Development teams can pitch their ideas to investors, who in turn can get early access to projects or airdrops of new tokens.
About company
Cryptocurrency exchange TokoCrypto was founded Pan Xue Kai in 2017. In 2019 it became Indonesia’s first cryptocurrency exchange regulated by the country’s Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI). The company’s headquarters are located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In May 2020, it was announced that Binance, the company behind one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, was investing in TokoCrypto. The partnership is aimed at accelerating the development of TokoCrypto’s business. Powered by Binance Stablecoin BIDR was launched in June of that year.
In April 2021, the platform officially released TokoCrypto token. You can learn more about TokoCrypto cryptocurrency price and market performance by clicking Here. The TokoMall NFT marketplace was launched in September.
TokoCrypto is considered one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Southeast Asia. By the end of 2021, the platform had over 2 million registered users. TokoCrypto’s average daily volume was estimated at $191 millionan increase of more than 750% compared to 2020.
Pan Xue Kai is the CEO of cryptocurrency exchange TokoCrypto and Honorary Secretary of the Singapore Indonesia Chamber of Commerce. He used to be an engineer who worked in the oil and gas industry. Since 2015, Xue Kai has been involved in blockchain, becoming a crypto entrepreneur.
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