Swappi Exchange Review
Swappi is a centralized exchange that occupies #154 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Swappi has trading volume US$554,288 in the last 24 hours and US$390,257,220 in the last 7 days.
Swappi currently has 12 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and 25 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). Most popular trading pair on Swappi: WCFX/USDT.
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Swappi cryptocurrency exchange is a decentralized AMMexchange based on Conflux, launched in 2022. It was built on the Conflux network and is the first decentralized exchange will be built on this network. The platform requires users go through the KYC verification process. To see Swappi’s latest trading volume, look above.
Swappi only allows trading via swap. So there is no option for Swappi spot trading. There are 19 presented on the platform crypto-crypto trading pairs Swappi. Swappy exchange fee 0.25% applies to all swaps.
PPI is the platform’s native token. Swappi cryptocurrency exchange also allows users place bets, farm, participate in the lottery and use the launchpad.
The Conflux Foundation founded the Swappi cryptocurrency exchange. Founding team members are anonymous.
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