Kuna Exchange Review
Kuna is a centralized exchange that occupies #161 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Kuna has trading volume US$2,392,407 in the last 24 hours and US$420,483,146 in the last 7 days.
Kuna currently has 22 cryptocurrencies, 2 paper currencies and markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs).
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The Kuna cryptocurrency exchange is based in Ukraine and has been operating since 2016. A consortium of three companies headquartered in the UK (Kuna Fintech Limited), Lithuania (JSC Kuna Pro) and Canada (FlexyPay Inc.) united under the Kuna brand. In addition to trading, Kuna offers a huge number of other tools, including API, Kuna Pay, Kuna Code, Kuna Money, Kuna Extensions, UAX stablecoin and Kuna XO.
The Kuna cryptocurrency exchange is available on mobile devices and the web. KYC verification is necessary in case of large transactions.
Users have the opportunity to trade on the Kuna spot market, as well as buy and sell cryptocurrencies using fiat currencies such as the Ukrainian hryvnia and the US dollar. Therefore, this allows both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat trading. Eat about 40 different kuna trading pairs available. In addition, users have the opportunity exchange hryvnia for UAX stablecoin based on Ethereum at a predetermined rate of 1:1.
Kuna differs from other cryptocurrency exchanges in that it does not provide investment programs or leverage, and its paid accounts have a lower cost compared to other platforms. The volume of kuna trade varies depending on the dynamics of supply and demand.
Besides, the exchange operates with its own cryptocurrency known as KUHN. The token was released as part of the KUNA Exchange Crowdsale campaign. Additionally, please note that the token is based on the WAVES blockchain platform. It was created with a fixed supply of 1 million tokens. Owners of KUN tokens can use the token to pay for the platform’s PRO account mode, list new coins on the exchange and reduce betting fees.
Talking about Kuna exchange fee, a flat fee of 0.25% is charged. In addition, the exchange does not use a maker-taker model. Although it has different fees for Kuna cryptocurrency withdrawals, which vary depending on the asset. For example, Bitcoin Withdrawal costs 0.0005 BTC.
other services
The Kuna cryptocurrency exchange provides a number of intriguing features. For example, he suggests Kuna codeswhich is a tool that allows users to move assets between accounts on or off Kuna using just code.
In addition, there is Kuna Moneywhich allows users to buy and sell crypto assets using hryvnia Visa and Mastercard cards.
Moreover, the platform offers Kuna extensionswhich allows users to download applications and browser extensions developed by the Kuna community.
In addition, Kuna provides businesses with API this allows them to create their own applications based on Kuna.
Finally there is Kuna Pei, which is a payment processing platform. It allows you to process both cryptocurrencies and fiat payments.
About company
Kuna Cryptocurrency Exchange is a regulated digital currency trading platform operating out of Ukraine. Kuna Fintech Limited is responsible for the operation of the platform, which is conducted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
Mikhail Chobanyan initiated the development of Kuna Exchange in 2016. He is known for his numerous successful business projects, including the creation of Inlight Consulting and Silenica Digital, among others.
Chobanyan has extensive management experience, having served as CEO of Vulkanit and ITC. In addition, it was he who founded the Bitcoin Foundation in Ukraine. In addition, he is the president of the local Blockchain Association. However, as of January 2023 Semyon Kaplushenko is responsible for the management of the company.
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