Review of the Coinbazar exchange
Koinbazar is a centralized exchange that occupies #147 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Coinbazaar has trading volume US$14,018,106 in the last 24 hours and US$16,576,370,324 in the last 7 days.
Coinbazar currently has 81 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 155 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Coinbazar is BTC/USDT.
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Koinbazar Cryptocurrency Exchange was founded in 2020 as an exchange to bring more people in India into the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The platform strives to provide quality services to all its users through a simple and intuitive user interface.
There are no restrictions or limitations for users from other countries, however they must be willing to trade with Indian Rupee which is the predominant fiat currency on the platform. From point of view KYC Upon registration, the Koinbazar cryptocurrency exchange applies strict verification procedures to ensure that its users are verified and are not involved in activities such as money laundering, fraud, or the financing of illegal activities. To complete this verification process, you must provide government-issued identification. In addition, the exchange monitors the activities of all its users and can remove and block any user suspected of illegal activity.
The main markets on the exchange include BTC, ETH, USDT, TRXand Indian rupee. The platform is exchanging cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency and cryptocurrencies for fiat. It supports over 70 Koinbazar trading pairs with major cryptocurrencies. Spot trading option on Coinbazar available to traders who wish to carry out trading activities. However, the platform does not support margin, derivatives, leverage or futures trading options. Additionally, the trading interface is designed in a simplified manner that will appeal to both new and experienced traders and investors.
When it comes to Koinbazar exchange commissions for tradingThe platform uses a flat fee system where makers and takers pay 0.25% on all trades. Deposits can be made through bank transfers or cryptocurrency deposits. When making bank transfers, the user may be charged bank fees, but all cryptocurrency deposits are free.
Koinbazar cryptocurrency price for cryptocurrency withdrawal varies from coin to coin. For example, users wishing to withdraw BTC will pay 0.0006 BTC for any transaction. In addition, each cryptocurrency has its own minimum and maximum withdrawal limits. Some of these restrictions are tied to your verification level on the platform.
From time to time, the Koinbazar cryptocurrency exchange organizes crypto trading competitions for its users. At the end of these competitions, users on the leaderboards receive rewards in their wallets. Besides, users receive rewards for recommendations with cryptocurrency rewards, discounts and trade discounts.
About company
Coinbazaar was founded Saravanan Pandian. Saravanan has experience in cryptocurrency trading, financial markets, management information systems and economics. He holds an MBA from Madurai Kamaraj University. The core team consists of experienced professionals in the crypto space, each of whom has over 10 years of experience.
The average trading volume on Coinbazar in February 2023 was around $26 million. However, to see the current volume of Koinbazar, look above.
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