C-Patex Exchange Review
C-Patex is a centralized exchange that occupies #76 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. C-Patex has trading volume US$62,913,035 in the last 24 hours and US$12,653,248,199 in the last 7 days.
C-Patex currently has eleven cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and eleven markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on C-Patex is BTC/USDT.
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C-Patex is centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX) founded in 2014. Based in Argentina. The platform allows users to trade cryptocurrencies safely and easily.
C-Patex requires all users to perform identification and verification in accordance with KYC requirements. The platform does not mention any restricted regions. However, users are solely responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules and regulations in their particular jurisdiction that may apply to the use of C-Patex crypto exchange services. C-Patex is a web-based trading platform.
C-Patex offers spot trading. C-Patex stain allows users to trade various assets using their available account balances. The platform has over 200 active markets. C-Patex trading pairs include cryptocurrency pairs. The platform supports a variety of tokens, including popular cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, LTCAnd XRP. The platform also allows you to buy crypto assets with fiat money. It supports one fiat currency, Argentine Peso (ARS). The price of the C-Patex cryptocurrency is available in the chart above.
Crypto exchange C-Patex has different trading views to meet different user preferences. However, all trading views have order books, which correspond to buy and sell requests. The platform has both market orders And limit orders. Market orders allow users to trade assets at affordable market prices. On the other hand, the limit order feature allows users to customize their trading prices. The trading view of the platform offers advanced trading features suitable for both experienced and novice traders. Charting features give users a deeper understanding of the market.
C-Patex exchange fee are determined based on trading activity and do not exceed 0.2%. The platform does not charge any fees for cryptocurrency deposits. However, C-Patex’s cryptographic fees for transferring digital assets may incur a blockchain network fee.
other services
Cryptocurrency exchange C-Patex also offers over-the-counter (OTC) trading services that allow traders to trade large volumes of cryptocurrencies faster and more securely. By using OTC, traders do not risk destabilizing the market with large volumes of token transfers. Cryptocurrency exchange C-Patex also offers listing and initial exchange offerings (IEO) to support the launch of new projects.
About company
C-Patex was founded in 2014. The founder of the company is Miguel Ange. He is based in Argentina. Since 2019, the company has grown as a family business. To keep C-Patex independent, a separate company was created called Crypto Patagonia SA The latter is registered with the Argentine Federal Tax Agency – AFIP. The C-Patex trademark is also registered by the Argentine authorities.
C-Patex’s trade volume fell sharply in 2020, right on the back of the COVID-19 crisis. At times, the exchange recorded daily volume of less than $100. However, since May 2022, C-Patex volume has increased significantly, peaking at $18.12 million per day on July 7, 2022. The annual volume exceeded $2.173 trillion in 2022.
In July 2022, the C-Patex cryptocurrency exchange was acquired by the company EHOLD Group. EHOLD is committed to using its resources and experience to take C-Patex to a higher level. Shortly after the announcement of the acquisition, one of the EHOLD Group subsidiaries, Benefithas dedicated a large team of experts to optimize and update C-Patex systems and software.
ProfIT was founded in 2013 and specializes in special software for blockchains, tokenization, smart contractsAnd NFT.
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