Review of the Buda Stock Exchange
Buda is a centralized exchange that occupies #162 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Buda has trading volume US$738,117 in the last 24 hours and US$320,036,457 in the last 7 days.
Currently in Buda there is 9 cryptocurrencies, 4 paper currencies and 21 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Buda is BTC/CLP.
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Buda Cryptocurrency Exchange, founded in 2015, is a company that develops and operates cryptocurrency markets in Chile, Colombia, Peru and Argentina.. It is based in Santiago de Chile. The company’s goal is to be at the forefront of the digital and cryptocurrency revolution taking place in South America.
The company mainly focuses on the markets of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru. While citizens of other countries can participate on the platform, they just need to make sure that cryptocurrency activities are allowed in their countries. The exchange uses KYC verification methods to ensure the integrity of all users. In addition to uploading ID cards and utility bills, users are also required to upload selfies. In addition, the Buda cryptocurrency exchange has artificial intelligence system so that all selfies are real.
There are 5 markets available on the platform – BTC, COP, PEN, ARS and CLP. The exchange is working crypto-fiat trading system with 21 Buda trading pairs. Some of the main supported cryptocurrencies include BTC, ETH, WarheadAnd USDC. All these assets are traded on the Buda spot market. However, the Buda cryptocurrency exchange does not support margin or leverage trading.
Exchange fee in Buda Maker and taker transactions are different. The platform charges 0.4% for maker trades and 0.8% for taker trades. In addition, it uses multi-level system to stimulate traders trade more. Essentially, the higher your Buda trading volume in a month, the less you will pay in trading fees. There are 7 tiers available, with the final tier paying just 0.2% and 0.1% for taker and maker trades respectively.
In terms of withdrawal of fundsThe price of Buda cryptocurrency for BTC withdrawal is pegged at 0.000051 BTC per withdrawal. Withdrawals in fiat currencies are also subject to bank processing and system fees. Buda crypto commissions for depositsOn the other hand, they depend on the method used. Crypto deposits are free, but fiat deposits incur a processing fee.
About company
The company was co-founded by Alejandro Beltran and Guillermo Torrealba in 2015.
Alejandro has over 10 years of experience in financial instruments, brokerage investments and traditional capital markets. He graduated from the University of Los Andes with a degree in Corporate Finance and received a Master’s degree in New Technologies from the University of Salamanca. He is currently the regional manager for Buda in Colombia. Before co-founding Buda, he worked as a foreign trade analyst at Bancomext.
Guillermo Graduated from the University of Chile with a degree in Business. He has worked as a consultant for Innspiral and is the co-founder of Baltoro, an energy efficiency company.
In terms of partnerships, cryptocurrency exchange Buda has now partnered with Bank of Bogota, offering its users in Colombia the ability to make direct deposits and withdrawals to and from the exchange respectively. Although these transactions were already supported by Colombian banks, the new alliance recognizes them as official transactions for the exchanges, freeing users from any blocking or other measures that the banking operator might take.
If you want to see Buda’s current volume, check out the chart above.
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