BTCTurk | Pro Exchange Review
BTCTurk | Pro is a centralized exchange that occupies #99 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BTCTurk | Pro has trading volume US$316,209,039 in the last 24 hours and US$67,196,295,750 in the last 7 days.
BTCTurk | Pro currently has 106 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 205 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). Most popular trading pair on BtcTurk | About it SPELL/TRY.
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BtcTurk Pro is centralized exchange which has been operating since 2013 and is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey. He claims that this is the first exchange of its type in Turkey and also the fourth. Bitcoin and altcoin trading platform worldwide.
Cryptocurrency exchange BtcTurk Pro claims to have over 4 million registered customers and integrated with seven Turkish banksallowing it to process deposits and withdrawals in Turkish lira. This service is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
At the time of writing, BtcTurk supports trading in the following currencies: BTC, Turkish Lira and USDT. Those who subscribe to the BtcTurk Pro service can engage in trades with Turkish clients, benefit from lower exchange costs, and withdraw Bitcoins for free.
BtcTurk trading volume fluctuates greatly due to trading in the markets. Users can register or login using the BtcTurk Pro mobile app.
BtcTurk Pro Cryptocurrency Exchange Facilitates Both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat trading, with only the lira (TRY) being the fiat currency. At the time of writing, there are 72 coins and 168 BtcTurk trading pairs available on the exchange.
There are many markets on the BtcTurk Pro spot exchange. Some of them are as follows:
Cryptocurrency exchange BtcTurk does not charge a commission for the deposit process. However, there are fees associated with the withdrawal of certain assets. Withdrawing Bitcoins does not incur any fees or commissions.
BtcTurk Pro exchange fees are divided into 5 different estimates depending on trading volume for 30 days.. Cryptocurrency/cryptocurrency fees for producers range from 0.01% to 0.05%, and for takers from 0.04% to 0.09%. On the other hand, cryptocurrency/TRY fees for makers range from 0.01% to 0.1%, and for takers from 0.08% to 0.18%.
About company
When BtcTurk opened for business in July 2013, it became Turkey’s first cryptocurrency trading platform.
In accordance with Emre Kenciwho holds the position of technical director of the BtcTurk cryptocurrency exchange, company employees began work on the platform in January 2013seeing the huge potential of Bitcoin.
The purpose of this platform was to simplify the process of exchanging Lira for various cryptocurrencies for the benefit of its clients. However, soon after it was presented to the public, August 19, 2016BtcTurk has announced that it will close its corporate bank accounts.
This was a direct result of Turkey’s regulators’ decision not to grant a license due to concerns about the security of Bitcoin. August 22 That same year, the exchange began the process of recovering the money of its clients.
However, shortly after this, BtcTurk reopened and began providing its customers with the ability to trade Turkish Lira for BTC, ETH, XRP, USDT, LTC, XLM and XRP. This happened shortly after our first meeting.
The main disadvantage of using BtcTurk is that it does not accept deposits via PayPal, cash or credit cards.. It only accepts bank transfers using fiat currency. Otherwise, its capabilities are developed quite successfully.
Ozgur GuneriCEO of BTCurk, has been working in the financial industry since 2000. His tenure with the Finansbank Group lasted from 2000 to 2013, during which time he held the positions of Deputy CEO, Chief Investment Officer, General Director and Member of the Management Board. .
He oversaw the activities of a pioneering investment firm focused on equities in Turkey and other emerging European markets.
In addition to his current position, he is the CEO BtcTrader, a company that creates tools for trading cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based systems. He also received an MBA from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
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