Bitvavo exchange review
Bitvavo is a centralized exchange that occupies #54 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Bitvavo has trading volume US$349,528,966 in the last 24 hours and US$56,681,089,599 in the last 7 days.
Bitvavo currently has 223 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 222 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Bitvavo is JASMI/EURO.
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Bitvavo is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX) located in Amsterdam. Founded in 2018, it offers spot trading and direct cryptocurrency purchases. Bitvavo’s cryptocurrency exchange solutions are optimized for professional traders and financial institutions.
Bitvavo complies with EU cryptographic regulations and adheres to Know your customer (KYC) rules. Only residents of the EU, EEA, Gibraltar, Switzerland and UK can access Bitvavo spot trading services. The platform is available on desktop and mobile devices.
The exchange has different modes for individual and institutional traders. Bitvavo spot market is the only trading service on the platform as the platform does not offer derivatives markets. Margin and leverage trading are not available. All transactions are carried out using central limit order book (CLOB).
Bitvavo facilitates crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat trading. euro (EUR) — the main fiat currency presented on the platform. Users can find over 180 digital assets and over 150 Bitvavo trading pairs.
The platform supports popular payment methods for Europairs, including Sepa, SoFort, MyBank and Giropay. By default, all Bitvavo cryptocurrency prices are expressed in euros. If the client purchases assets from a country outside the Eurozone, the price is converted automatically.
Trading fees on the platform are based on Bitvavo traders’ rolling 30-day volume. All values are denominated in euros. Deposits and withdrawals via SEPA transfers are free.
The commission structure follows a multi-tier producer-receiver model. There are nine levels in total. Bitvavo’s base exchange fee rate is 0.15% and 0.25% respectively. If the transaction volume exceeds 100,000 euros, the commission is reduced to 0.10% and 0.20%. For traders whose amount exceeds €25 million, the maker-taker fee is 0.03% and 0.04% respectively.
The absolute deposit commission rate is zero. However, depending on the chosen payment method, such as Giropay or PayPal, applicable fees may apply. The selected payment method also limits the maximum deposit amount.
There are no fixed fees for withdrawing Bitvavo funds in cryptocurrency. The rate may vary depending on the selected withdrawal assets and network congestion. The minimum withdrawal amount is also determined by the selected cryptocurrency.
About company
Cryptocurrency exchange Bitvavo was founded Mark Nouvelstein, Tim Baardse and Jelle de Boer in 2018. It is considered one of the largest centralized exchanges in Europe. He is registered in Netherlands Bank (DNB). The company’s headquarters is registered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The company is a member United Bitcoin Companies of the Netherlands (VBNL), a monitoring body for self-regulatory companies. In 2021, the platform was recognized as the best public solution at the Dutch Blockchain Awards.
In March 2022, Bitvavo signed a partnership agreement with Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). The goal of the collaboration is to explore the possibilities of digital innovation in traditional sports.
In October 2022 it was reported that Bitvavo’s total trading volume exceeded 100 billion eurosAnd user base exceeded 1.5 million people. It is considered the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the Netherlands.
Mark Nuvelstijn is the CEO of the Bitvavo cryptocurrency exchange. He is an entrepreneur and lawyer who received his Master of Laws from the University of Groningen in 2017. Prior to founding Bitvavo, Nouvelstijn worked as a tax lawyer at Loyens & Loeff.
Jelle de Boer and Tim Baardse are co-founders of the Bitvavo crypto exchange. Along with Nuvelstijn, they were named among Quote’s Top 100 Young Millionaires in 2022.
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