BITEXLIVE Exchange Review
BITEXLIVE is a centralized exchange that occupies #141 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BITEXLIVE has trading volume US$12,996,884 in the last 24 hours and US$6,323,317,125 in the last 7 days.
BITEXLIVE currently has 17 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and 16 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on BITEXLIVE is BTC/USDT.
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BITEXLIVE is centralized cryptocurrency exchange launched in 2017. The BITEXLIVE cryptocurrency exchange is based in Kazakhstan. It allows users to exchange and trade various cryptocurrencies. BITEXLIVE is committed to providing a consistent, transparent and innovative cryptocurrency trading selection to make trading fast, secure and open to all users around the world.
Users can create their accounts using email addresses and a password. They can start trading without KYC verification.. BITEXLIVE does not provide a list of restricted countries. However, users may confirm in accordance with local government regulations whether they can legally use BITEXLIVE cryptocurrency exchange services. BITEXLIVE is available online..
BITEXLIVE offers spot trading. BITEXLIVE Spot supports immediate buying and selling of supported crypto assets. At the time of writing, the platform supports over 10 top cryptocurrency assets. BITEXLIVE trading pairs include markets for BTC, USDTand ALTS.
BITEXLIVE offers a simple and basic trading platform suitable for everyday traders. It provides charts for the supported trading instrument. It uses real-time order books to enable the purchase and sale of digital assets. Users can execute market orders that involve trading assets at an affordable market price. Apart from BTC, users can also trade USDT and ALTS. The platform displays current BITEXLIVE cryptocurrency prices for various assets.
The trading platform uses a fixed commission model.. BITEXLIVE exchange fee is 0.2% for the BTC, USDT and ALTS markets. The platform does not charge a deposit fee. BITEXLIVE withdrawal fees depend on the type of cryptocurrency transaction.
other services
BITEXLIVE crypto exchange offers API services to enable third party integration. The platform’s API allows users to access data and various exchange services. The API supports account-related features such as balance, withdrawals, and deposit addresses. The product can also be used in cryptocurrency trading, for example to access order books and to set and cancel orders. BITEXLIVE APIs also offer users public market information.
About company
The BITEXLIVE cryptocurrency exchange was launched in 2017. The founder of the platform is Khalil Beydilli. The headquarters is located in the West Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan.
Since its launch, the platform has increased its user base. It serves over 10,000 active cryptocurrency traders. It also increases the number of its listings over time. BITEXLIVE volume is also increasing, reflecting increased trading activity on the platform. On October 20, 2021, BITEXLIVE’s trading volume reached a record high of $153.77 million in 24 hours.
Khalil Beydilli — Full-Stack developer with extensive experience in the field of cryptocurrencies. In addition to BITEXLIVE, Khalil Beydilli founded other projects such as Bitcointry, a cryptocurrency exchange for trading digital assets. He also founded Altcoincase, a platform for trading, borrowing and earning cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, BNB and USDT.
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