Mercado Bitcoin Exchange Review
Mercado Bitcoin is a centralized exchange that occupies #139 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Mercado Bitcoin has trading volume US$2,834,440 in the last 24 hours and US$942,890,332 in the last 7 days.
Mercado Bitcoin currently has 24 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 23 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Mercado Bitcoin is BTC/BRL.
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The Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange was founded in 2013. centralized exchange (CEX) designed and manufactured for the South American and Brazilian markets in particular.
The platform is created specifically for Brazilians, and in order for any new user to register and access the platform’s functions, he must provide CPF or CNPJ number. It’s strong KYC requirement to prevent attackers from accessing the platform.
Other users around the world who still want to use the Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange can use VPN networks and transit accounts. This means more fees and commissions are paid on trades. Investors from the US and most European countries are prohibited from using the platform at all.
The Mercado cryptocurrency exchange has two main trading markets – BTC markets and real markets. The real is the national currency of Brazil. In addition to Mercado’s Bitcoin spot trading option, the platform also supports margin trading. Eat 11 Mercado Bitcoin trading pairs. Some of the supported cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Chainlink, USDC, Bitcoin Cash and others.
The platform accepts fiat deposits, as well as deposits in cryptocurrency from personal wallets. Mercado’s Bitcoin exchange fee for fiat deposits is pegged at 1.99% + R$2.00. Cryptocurrencies do not charge deposit fees, but do charge withdrawal fees if they are transferred to other wallets outside the platform. It charges a flat Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency fee of 0.70% for taker trades made on the platform, while the fee for maker trades is 0.30% of the trade amount.
Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange offers one of the lowest spreads in South America for major cryptocurrency instruments in combination with Brazilian currency (BRL). Additionally, investors can earn money from DeFi assets. NFT tokens and unique tokenized investment portfolios.
About company
The Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange is based in Brazil and was founded in 2013. There are about a million traders and more than 2.8 million clients registered on the exchange. According to the Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI), Mercado Bitcoin is one of the 50 most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. world.
Bitcoin trading volume on Mercado has exceeded 5 billion reais (more than $1 billion). As of December 2022, Mercado’s Bitcoin volume is over 131 BTC, or $2 million per 24-hour trading period.
In future, the platform aims to expand its operations in Mexico and gain more ground in Latin America.. However, in 2021, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) ordered the platform to provide accounting data for some of the tokens they issued. CVM asked the exchange to disclose the amount raised through the tokens and the list of investors who bought them. The platform denied any wrongdoing on its part and asked CVM to improve its rules for cryptocurrency trading and investment.
Additionally, due to the downturn in cryptocurrency markets in 2021 Group of companies 2TM, the parent company of cryptocurrency exchange Mercado Bitcoin, has laid off some employees to ensure the stability of operations. However, the company raised $200 million. SoftBank, raising 2TM’s valuation to over $2.1 billion, making it one of South America’s “unicorns.” Unicorn is a software company valued at over $1 billion.
In addition, 2TM owns other businesses such as Meubankmulti-asset wallet and account service; Bitrust, qualified digital curator; And Clear book, crowdfunding platform. These companies form a promising ecosystem that supports the Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange.
Founded by brothers Gustavo and Mauricio Chamati In 2013, the Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchange became one of the first cryptocurrency exchanges in Brazil. Since 2018, the company has a profitable price for the Mercado Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Both founders have extensive experience in financial markets and management, blockchain technology and other relevant fields that play an important role in the success of the platform. The team also consists of professionals who have worked with blockchain, finance and cryptocurrency.
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