FlatQube Exchange Review
FlatQube Exchange is a centralized exchange that occupies #179 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. FlatQube Exchange trading volume is US$23,734 in the last 24 hours and US$73,319,748 in the last 7 days.
FlatQube Exchange currently has 10 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and eleven markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on the FlatQube exchange: VBTC/WEVER.
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FlatQube is decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) built on the Everscale blockchain. It offers the FlatQube Exchange spot market with over 23 different FlatQube trading pairs. Cryptocurrency exchange FlatQube follows automated market maker (AMM) trading model. FlatQube Exchange trading volume is shown above.
FlatQube crypto exchange only supports crypto-crypto trade. So users no need to go through the KYC procedure to prove your identity.
FlatQube Exchange fees include a slippage allowance of 0.5%. and liquidity provider commission this depends on the tokens traded on the FlatQube spot market.
The FlatQube cryptocurrency exchange also consists of other products, including Octus Bridge, EVER Scan and EVER Wallet. The exchange has a QUBE token.
Sergey Shashev is the founder of the FlatQube crypto exchange.
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