Bitexen Exchange Review
Bitexen is a centralized exchange that occupies #198 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Bitexen has trading volume US$47,450,058 in the last 24 hours and US$22,009,261,127 in the last 7 days.
Bitexen currently has 51 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 61 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on Bitexen: USDT/TRY.
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Bitexen Cryptocurrency Exchange – Centralized Exchange created with the goal of creating a global solution that meets the needs of all traders. The project was launched by Bitexen Technology, headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 4, 2018.
The platform was created keeping the Turkish market in mind. Thus, the Bitexen cryptocurrency exchange allows only users with Turkish phone numbers Register. This is an important aspect KYC the verification process used by the exchange. Additionally, uploading a government-issued ID provides greater access to the services provided by the exchange.
There are 3 main markets on the platform − TRY, USDT and BTC. TRY, which means The Turkish Lira is the only approved fiat currency. for replenishment and withdrawal of funds on the Bitexen cryptocurrency exchange. BTC and USDT pairs are specifically designed for crypto-crypto trades, while trades made with TRY pairs are crypto-fiat trades. As of January 2023 there is more than 55 Bitexen trading pairs. Some of the major currencies that can be traded on the platform include: ETH, ADA, XRP, Warhead, and more. As Bitexen’s volume increases, it is expected that more coins will be added to the list of available assets. In general, Bitexen spot is created taking into account all the trading needs of users. Platform does not currently offer derivatives or futures trading.
Coin Exene, or BTXN, is a native token of the Bitexen crypto exchange with a set of utility functions. It was launched in August 2018 and the maximum supply of tokens is limited to 15 million BTXN. All coins are distributed to users as a reward for registration and through various loyalty campaigns, including trading competitions. BTXN Holding provides its owners with discounts and refunds of commissions for the Bitexen cryptocurrency paid on the exchange.
Regarding Bitexen exchange commissions for tradingmakers pay 0.15% and takers 0.25% per trade. However, users are entitled to a fee refund of 10-50% depending on the amount of BTXN they hold. For example, users holding 10 BTXN receive a refund of 10%, and users holding 50 BTXN can receive a refund of 40% of the fees they paid. Half of the fee for each transaction is used to redeem and burn BTXN.. This buyback process will continue until the number of BTXN coins in circulation reaches zero. The rest of the commissions goes to the treasury of the Bitexen cryptocurrency exchange.
Bitexen cryptocurrency price for deposits and withdrawals determined by the currency and the blockchain in question. All BTXN withdrawal fees are spent on the Ethereum network through quarterly buybacks. You can deposit both cryptocurrencies and fiat money on the platform. Fiat transactions can be made through bank transfers and credit cards. To make deposits and withdrawals on the platform seamless, Bitexen has integrated its system with a number of Turkish banks.
other services
The Bitexen cryptocurrency exchange has a feature that allows converting cryptocurrency and Turkish Lira balances below the minimum order limit into BTXN.
Additionally, users can transfer funds from their Bitexen account online and to wallets registered on the platform using Internal transfer function. In this case, they do not have to wait for network confirmation and pay network fees.
The trading experience is also improved with a feature that allows users to use stop orders and quick buy and sell options.
In addition, the platform has Referral program for its users. Users and their friends who register using the referral link receive 1 BTXN each.
Finally, the Bitexen crypto exchange provides a range of solutions for startups wishing to create digital tokens. However, when it comes to listing new coins, the exchange only accepts tokens from sufficiently ambitious and competent projects. This is done after receiving community approval.
About company
The founders and developers of the Bitexen cryptocurrency exchange are of Turkish origin. This team of brilliant engineers and banking professionals has deep knowledge and experience in derivatives, payment systems, information security, business development, management and much more. Together they combine this experience and skills to create Bitexen.
Yahya Tugyan is a partner and CEO of Bitexen. Ebru Elmas Gurses, armed with years of experience in finance, taxation, accounting and auditing, is the CFO. He previously worked in transaction services and angel investing. Gizem Dincer Responsible for customer service. He also works as a Digital Client Consultant for
Other team members include Berkan Vatanseveroperation specialist, Ezgi Karasuteam leader, Ertugrul AvciMarketing Manager, Ebrar Bayirquality control specialist and Elif Ezgi TarimSocial Media and Complaint Management Specialist at Bitexen.
As of January 2023, Bitexen’s 24-hour trading volume is approximately $41 million.
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