Crypto Exchange Review
Cryptology is a centralized exchange that occupies #164 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. Cryptology has trading volume US$58,966,787 in the last 24 hours and US$18,109,489,872 in the last 7 days.
Cryptology currently has 211 cryptocurrencies, 2 paper currencies and 228 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair in Cryptology is Bitcoin/USD.
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Cryptology is the exchange of digital currency and other assets based on the blockchain. Cryptology cryptocurrency exchange provides trading opportunities on 73 different marketswith ETH/USD, ETH/EUR and BTC/BUSD being the most popular Cryptology trading pairs.
Cryptology cryptocurrency exchange offers trading in the following fiat currencies: Euro, Russian rubles and US dollars. Users must comply KYC requirements. It is available on mobile and desktop devices.
Restricted countries that cannot use cryptology include Afghanistan, Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana, Cambodia, Canada, Crimea, Ghana, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Myanmar/Burma, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zimbabwe, USA.
Cryptology allows Trading with margin and leverage up to x100. Moreover, it is more than 200 Cryptology trading pairs available. The exchange has a large volume of cryptology and offers both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat trading.
Yes 0.2% Commission for cryptocurrency exchange for spot trading for both market participants and producers. Additionally, the exchange offers both spot and derivatives markets for Cryptology. Cryptocurrency trading volume varies depending on market trends.
Eat no Cryptology commission for deposits. However, for withdrawals from SEPA EUR the fee is €7 and is only available for bank accounts that are part of SEPA. On the other hand, USD withdrawals are subject to a USD 7 fee and can only be processed by Unlimint Ltd.
Cryptocurrency withdrawal fees vary. Additionally, please note that there is no option to withdraw fiat currency to a bank account.
At the time of writing, futures contracts can only be traded Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) acting as an underlying asset. The par value of each futures contract is one US dollar, and leverage can reach one hundred times.
other services
Cryptology Earnings is a passive income solution that allows users to profit from their cryptocurrency holdings without the dangers of trading. Once they make a deposit, they begin to earn profits for each day they keep money in their earned account. After the lock-in period ends, earnings are aggregated and available for redemption.
The exchange also offers such a thing as Listing. This is essentially an application form where users can recommend new currencies to be included in the list of available assets. This allows completely new projects to be noticed in the crypto space.
In addition, the Cryptology cryptocurrency exchange offers affiliate program it is open to bloggers, influencers, publishers, content creators and mobile app developers who have a website, trading software or mobile app that meets the program’s requirements. The program is also open to Cryptology users who have an extensive network of traders. Affiliates are entitled to receive commissions.
About company
Cryptology cryptocurrency exchange was founded in 2018. Individuals as well as institutions have access to the platform’s investment opportunities, with the latter group having the opportunity to participate in over-the-counter trading your digital assets.
There are over thirty different cryptocurrencies available on the Cryptology platform for trading against the US Dollar, Euro, Bitcoin and a group of stablecoins including USDT, BUSD, DAI, USDC and EURS.
The company’s founders chose to remain anonymous.
Cryptology related pages
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