BitFlyer Exchange Review
bitFlyer is a centralized exchange that occupies #25 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BitFlyer has trading volume US$78,062,090 in the last 24 hours and US$29,965,824,093 in the last 7 days.
BitFlyer currently has 9 cryptocurrencies, 3 paper currencies and 13 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on BitFlyer is BTC/JPY.
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bitFlyer – Japanese centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX). This is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of the number of users. BitFlyer offers spot and futures marketsand cryptocurrency purchases. It also supports P2P transactions.
The bitFlyer cryptocurrency exchange is licensed to operate in Japan, Europe (EU/EEA) and the USA (including New York State). Some features and services may be limited by region. His KYC compliant and requires identity verification to access purchases and trading.
Compared to other cryptocurrency exchanges, the number of BitFlyer trading pairs available is relatively small. This is due to the licensing and regulations that BitFlyer’s spot markets and derivatives markets comply with. It lists popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH)And Litecoin (LTC).
Crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat trading included. Default, BitFlyer cryptocurrency prices are presented in JPY. However, the fiat currencies USD and EUR are also supported. Transactions in virtual currency may be subject to taxes according to regulations. The minimum price required to purchase BitFlyer cryptocurrency is $1.00.
Some banks may charge a deposit fee for Yen-denominated cryptocurrency transactions. BitFlyer’s withdrawal fee is 220 yen for orders under 30,000 yen and 440 yen for orders over 30,000 yen.
bitFlyer Lightning is an exchange service of the platform. Eat 12 levels to commissions based on BitFlyer’s 30-day volume. Commission rates are fixed and do not use a manufacturer-buyer model. Certain BitFlyer trading pairs also incur special exchange fees.
The lowest level requires 30-day volume below 100,000 yen. The BitFlyer exchange fee at this level is 0.15%. At the top level, BitFlyer’s required 30-day trading volume exceeds 500 million yen and the commission is 0.01%. Depending on trading volume and frequency, BitFlyer cryptocurrency fees may be negotiable.
Fees for the following transactions are calculated by multiplying the execution amount by 0.15%:
- Transactions using BTC as the base unit, including BTC/JPY
Two bitFlyer Lightning spot market pairs, ETH/BTC And BCH/BTCuse the exercise amount x 0.2% formula.
BitFlyer’s separate cryptocurrency fees apply to each virtual currency. Some pricing differences may occur and fees may be subject to change. The BitFlyer cryptocurrency price for the minimum order size is adjusted accordingly for each available digital asset.
BitFlyer supports margin trading. Clients can get x1 or x2 leverage. The tariff applies only to individual clients. The maximum leverage for institutional accounts is regulated by the Japan Virtual and Crypto Asset Exchange Association.
About company
Founded the cryptocurrency exchange bitFlyer Yuzo Kano in Japan in 2014. Its US branch was launched in 2016. As of 2017 bitFlyer owns license to operate as a cryptocurrency exchange in New York State. In 2018, the platform expanded to Europe. The company’s headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan.
bitFlyer was the first Bitcoin exchange to open in Japan following the popular Mount Gox The platform ceased operations in 2014. The platform served as an alternative to the defunct exchange, providing regulated Bitcoin trading services.
It was reported that in February 2016 BitFlyer’s monthly trading volume averaged around 7 billion yen. ($64 million). According to transaction data, bitFlyer was responsible for processing about 80% of all BTC transactions in Japan.
In 2020, the company surpassed 2.5 million users. According to a customer survey, the majority of clients of the cryptocurrency exchange bitFlyer were Bitcoin holders in their 20s. This has resulted in a change in user base compared to 2018, when the majority of customers were between 30 and 40 years old.
In April 2022, it was announced that cryptocurrency exchange bitFlyer would be sold to Singapore-based Japanese private equity fund ACA Group. The fund was reportedly considering acquiring a majority stake worth approximately $370 million.
Since its launch, the bitFlyer cryptocurrency exchange has not experienced any major security breaches or hacking incidents. The company says all assets are stored in cold storage to enhance security.
Yuzu Kano is the CEO of bitFlyer. Prior to founding the company, he was an equity derivatives trader at BNP Paribas and Goldman Sachs. Yuzu is also the Representative Director of the Japan Blockchain Association and a member of the Blockchain Research Committee of the Japan Bankers Association.
The European branch of the bitFlyer cryptocurrency exchange is managed by Ami Nagata, Edward Kemp and Ajinkya M. Tulpule. They took over the reins from Rikiya Masuda in January 2022. Andrea Shaw is the CEO of the American subsidiary.
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