BitoPro Exchange Review
BitoPro is a centralized exchange that occupies #100 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BitoPro has trading volume US$19,434,422 in the last 24 hours and US$6,421,463,454 in the last 7 days.
BitoPro currently has 23 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 28 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on BitoPro is USDT/TWD.
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The BitoPro cryptocurrency exchange was launched in 2017 and is registered in Taiwan. One of the main goals of the platform is attract more Taiwanese investors and traders to trade cryptocurrency and digital assets. Apart from cryptocurrency trading solutions, they provide other services such as digital wallets, business applications, financial auditing and more.
The platform welcomes users from all over the world, but these users must be comfortable trading with Taiwan dollar (TWD). It is the only accepted fiat currency on the platform. He also uses strict KYC verification methods to ensure the authenticity of all its users. This is important because they do not condone any illegal activity. Users must register using their real identity and provide documents confirming their identity, address and financial status.
The main markets on the platform are divided into 4: TWD, USDT, BTCAnd ETH. Being cryptocurrency-crypto and fiat-crypto trading platformBitoPro’s spot trading option gives users the ability to trade over 24 BitoPro trading pairs. Some of the main supported cryptocurrencies include WarheadSOL, DOJ, ADA, TRX, and more. It is expected that more cryptocurrencies will be added as BitoPro’s trading volume increases.
BitoPro exchange fee today they are one of the most competitive in the markets. The producer-buyer model charges 0.10% for producers and 0.20% for takers. In addition, BITO token holders receive discounts on trading fees.
For deposits, the platform accepts bank transfers. Of course, these bank transfers must be made using TWD. Bank fees apply for each deposit. However, cryptocurrency deposits remain free. Users will only have to pay the gas fee charged when transferring from an external wallet to their BitoPro cryptocurrency exchange wallet. Regarding withdrawals, for each BTC withdrawal the price of BitoPro cryptocurrency is charged in the amount of 0.0004 BTC. The price of other cryptocurrencies is also set by the platform. When withdrawing funds in fiat currencies, the amount you can withdraw depends on your KYC level on the platform, with a daily maximum and minimum amount.
BITO token is the platform’s own utility and rewards token. Token holders are entitled to discounts on BitoPro cryptocurrency fees, trading commissions and other benefits. Find more information and price of BitoPro cryptocurrency. Here.
other services
BitoPro has Referral programwhich rewards users for attracting new users to the platform.
In addition, the BitoPro crypto exchange has stable, profitable, professional legal platform for subscribing to creditor claims with a low level of risk provide users with more diversified financial products. BitoPro openly allows users to participate in subscriptions through the platform and share earned interest with other users.
About company
The BitoPro cryptocurrency exchange was founded Titan Cheng. He is the CEO of the company BitoEx Group, the parent company that owns BitoPro. BitoEx Group is one of the largest virtual currency exchanges in Taiwan with 800,000 active members accounting for over 90% of the market. He also offers BitoEX wallet And patented TT Check gift card to facilitate a variety of cryptocurrency applications. To ensure the safety of its users, it has also implemented a third-party guarantee mechanism.
Titan Cheng, an experienced software systems engineer with expertise in decentralized storage management and building financial systems, has previously worked on large-scale financial projects such as CDIC and Agricultural Bank. In 2014, he founded BitoEx and then launched the cryptocurrency exchange platform BitoPro in 2018, followed by a stable income product. Bitodebt in 2019. Since then, he has advocated for the creation of infrastructure, such as collaborative fraud prevention, with government support. After the anti-money laundering law came into effect in 2021, BitoEx was one of the first companies to comply.
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