BTCBOX Exchange Review
BTCBOX is a centralized exchange that occupies #161 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BTCBOX has trading volume US$16,900,623 in the last 24 hours and US$7,974,741,636 in the last 7 days.
BTCBOX currently has 5 cryptocurrencies, 1 paper currencies and 4 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). The most popular trading pair on BTCBOX is BTC/JPY.
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The centralized cryptocurrency exchange BTCBOX was founded in March 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. According to BTCBOX trading volume, it is one of the most significant cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan..
The exchange has many years of experience, reliable operation and an SSL server certificate. Additionally, it uses a cold wallet, separate administration, and other measures to protect user funds.
The BTCBOX cryptocurrency exchange is capable of providing consumers with safe and reliable services for trading any number of crypto assets. Thus, even novice traders will not find it difficult to use their services.
Users must follow a strict KYC process. start trading on the stock exchange. In addition, the exchange is available both on – mobile and desktop devices.
The BTCBOX cryptocurrency exchange allows margin trading, leverage trading and BTCBOX spot trading. At the time of writing, BTCBOX offers four cryptocurrency trading markets: BTC, Warhead, LTCAnd ETH. BTC/JPY is the most popular trading pair on BTCBOX. based on BTCBOX trading volume. Moreover, BTCBOX is both a crypto-to-crypto and a crypto-to-fiat trading platform. However, it only allows you to trade with one fiat currency – yen.
BTCBOX also offers Easy trading feature which allows users to quickly sell and buy BTC, ETH, DOGE, DOT and TRX tokens.
BTCBOX cryptocurrency fees range from 0.05% to 0.1%. However, there are different BTCBOX exchange fees for withdrawals. In this case, the deposit fee is zero.
About company
The BTCBOX cryptocurrency exchange was created on March 6, 2014. BtcBox Co.. is a platform operating company headquartered in Japan. The company is registered in Kanto Finance Bureau like a cryptocurrency exchange. In addition, he is a member Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA)which is the self-regulatory body for the virtual currency exchange industry in Japan.
David Zhang is the founder of BTCBOX. However, the founder left the project and, as of May 2019, manages the exchange Harutoshi Tsuji. He worked in banking for over 20 years and spent another 15 years in investment securities. He also has experience in the futures and foreign exchange markets.
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