BitTurk Exchange Review
BitTurk is a centralized exchange that occupies #211 on Guru InvestingExchange Tracker. BitTurk has trading volume US$22,263 in the last 24 hours and US$236,288,598 in the last 7 days.
BitTurk currently has 61 cryptocurrencies, 0 paper currencies and 60 markets (cryptocurrency trading pairs). Most popular trading pair on BitTurk: MKR/TRY.
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The BitTurk cryptocurrency exchange is centralized exchange founded in September 2017 with headquarters in Turkey. KYC is mandatory for the BitTurk crypto exchange. Check out the current BitTurk trading volume above.
This crypto-fiat exchange. All BitTurk trading pairs include the Turkish Lira (TRY). There is BitTurk. exchange fee 0.10% applicable to market makers. However, market participants are subject to BitTurk. cryptocurrency commission 0.15%. BitTurk spot trading is an available feature for users.
BitTurk offers both simple and advanced trading options.
The founder of the BitTurk crypto exchange is Emin Budak.
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