Live price analysis ATLAS
The current real-time price of Star Atlas is $0.0055and its trading volume is equal to US$2,194,206 in the last 24 hours. ATLAS price has grew by
on the last day and increased by
in the last 7 days. It is important to note that Star Atlas’s current market capitalization is US$83,405,244and the maximum offer is 36,000,000,000 ATLAS coins. Speaking of working resources, ATLAS has 15 096 421 587 coins. Star Atlas’ current market rating is #400.
Star Atlas price today
always on top and that’s it
always at a low level.
All data and prices are updated in real time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling ATLAS are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more cryptocurrency exchange options on our Cryptocurrency exchange tracker. The most secure hardware wallets to store your cryptocurrency: Ledger And Trezor.
What is a star atlas (ATLAS)?
ATLAS is Star Atlas’ native token, which represents MMO game built on a virtual metaverse. It was developed in 2021 by Solana net. Serum and FTX – These are several projects on Solana that support Star Atlas.
Want to see the live price of ATLAS? Check out the Star Atlas price chart above.
The game was created using Unreal engine 5, which is the latest version of Epic Games’ creation platform that allows developers to create next-generation 3D content in real time. This allows developers to create extremely realistic and high-quality games.
Featuring a cinematic gaming experience and the ability to earn digital assets that can be converted into decree Money, Star Atlas intends to provide an immersive gaming experience in the metaverse, spanning various gaming genres.
Since every element of the Star Atlas crypto project is a non-fungible token (NFT), the project has its own NFT Marketplace. It features various in-game items that can be purchased or traded. This includes ships, resources, collectibles and access items, and mining or staking equipment.
Additionally, in addition to the ATLAS token, Star Atlas also has POLIS token, which is used for control. This means that POLIS token holders have the right to participate in decision-making processes regarding the further development of the Star Atlas crypto project.
It’s also worth noting that the game was created on the Solana network due to its low transaction fees and fast transaction times. Solana uses BFT based Proof of Stake a consensus mechanism that allows you to reach up to 50,000 TPS.
Star Atlas Gameplay
The futuristic sci-fi setting of Star Atlas in 2620 features three main factions that have evolved and vary in wealth and power:
- DIRTwhich represents humanity;
- THEYrepresenting a coalition of alien races;
- Usturwhich represents sentient androids.
In total, Star Atlas combines four types of game genres: exploration, flight simulation, role-playing game (RPG) and game for income..
From point of view study, players can explore and exploit a vast number of stars in the Star Atlas metaverse. First-person flight is used by players to navigate between these stars on their own, resulting in flight simulation Part. In addition, players can mine materials and earn income for it, which makes Star Atlas game to earn a game. Finally this RPG game, as players can choose their characters’ professions and the factions they want to join.
In addition, there is also combat mode in a game that allows players to fight other players. As soon as the player starts the game, he immediately selects a faction. Each faction has a security zone where fighting is prohibited. However, users can move to less secure areas where combat is allowed.
In addition, players can build your own space stations and spaceships. They can then use these spaceships to compete with each other, or join forces and compete collectively with others. By joining forces, players will even be able to build their own space cities, working on the principle decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Resources for the construction of spaceships can be purchased with ATLAS tokens. You can see the current price of ATLAS in the price chart above.
Options for using ATLAS tokens
ATLAS, one of Star Atlas’ two native tokens, is primarily used as payment method within the platform. This means that players can purchase various in-game items and assets using ATLAS Coins. In addition, ATLAS coins can be traded on Serum DEX and also used to provide liquidity.
If you are interested in purchasing ATLAS tokens, be sure to take a look at the Star Atlas price chart. It shows both previous and current ATLAS prices.
Who founded the Star Atlas?
The Star Atlas crypto project was founded Michael Wagner, Pablo Quiroga, Danny Floyd and Jacob Floyd.
Michael Wagner has a higher entrepreneurial education. In addition to founding Star Atlas, he also co-founded Digital Asset Holdings, MultiChain Ventures and ATMTA.
Pablo Quiroga holds a degree in international business. He also founded projects such as Save Tajeo, Razpo, Fuelixir Labs and ATMTA.
Danny Floyd She has a degree in Fine and Performing Arts. He is the Director of Policy for Star Atlas. In the past, Danny has worked as a computer artist, graphic artist and UX designer for companies such as Electronic Arts, 3G Studios, FoWare and MultiChain Ventures. In addition, he was also the art director of 1047 Games.
Jacob Floyd is the technical director of Star Atlas. Before joining the Star Atlas leadership team, he was a chief engineer at FoWare. Additionally, as of this writing, he is also the developer of the Tokes Platform and the CTO of MultiChain Ventures.
What is Star Atlas trading volume in the last 24 hours?
ATLAS has trading volume US$2,194,206 in the last 24 hours.
What is the highest price for Star Atlas?
ATLAS has the highest price US$0.2773which was achieved at September 04, 2021 (2 years 5 months ago).
What is the lowest price for Star Atlas?
ATLAS has the lowest price $0.0004which was achieved at December 11, 2022 (1 year 2 months ago).
Which exchanges are best for buying and selling ATLAS?
Currently the most active and dominant exchanges for buying and selling Star Atlas are Binance, Kraken & Kucoin. The most popular Star Atlas trading pairs ATLAS/USDT
). Go to Catalog of crypto trades to access customized and exclusive discounts, vouchers and welcome bonuses from the most popular exchanges.
What are the safest hardware wallets for storing ATLAS?
According to the process of in-depth analysis and testing, Ledger And Trezor are one of the most secure and popular hardware wallet options for storage Star Atlas. For exclusive discounts and promotions on the best crypto wallets, visit Catalog of crypto trades.
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