Bitget Token

Bitget Token

Real-time BGB price analysis

The current price of the Bitget token in real time is $0.9961and its trading volume is equal to US$28,916,041 in the last 24 hours. BGB price has fell on


on the last day and decreased by


in the last 7 days. It is important to note that the current market capitalization of Bitget Token is US$1,394,549,047and the maximum offer is 2,000,000,000 Belgian pounds coins. Speaking of negotiable supply, BGB has 1,400,000,000 coins. Currently, the market rating of Bitget Token is #57.

Bitget token price today

always on top and that’s it

always at a low level.

All data and prices are updated in real time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling BGB are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more cryptocurrency exchange options on our Cryptocurrency exchange tracker. The most secure hardware wallets to store your cryptocurrency: Ledger And Trezor.

What is the Bitget token (BGB)?

Bitget Token (BGB) is Bitget’s native token which represents an innovative exchange that allows you to copy cryptocurrency. The Bitget family is represented from all over the world and has users in more than 40 countries and regions, including Japan, Southeast Asia, Turkey and more. The exchange offers comprehensive trading services such as spot trading (including open-ended contracts), margin trading (with leverage up to 50x), and derivatives trading (futures and options). It supports more than 100 cryptocurrencies including BTC, USD, ETH and so on.

The BGB token is based on the vision that cryptocurrency should be simple, secure and accessible to people around the world. It’s more than just a token – it creates integrated Web3 ecosystem for all your crypto assets, community tokens, NFT, DeFi applications and more. The current price of the Bitget token is shown in the BGB price chart above.

Options for using BGB tokens

If you have BGB coin, you can enjoy special privileges such as lower Bitget network fees.

In addition, the BGB crypto asset can be used as a form of evidence confirming the rights and privileges of various users in the future.

In addition, it can serve social token for interaction between fans and copy traders.

Potential use cases include (but are not limited to): subscriptions to trading strategies, bonus rewards for trial trading, tickets to closed social circles, virtual red packs and much more.

Let us remind you that you can find the price chart for Bitget tokens above. This will help you analyze the main price trends of BGB.

Who founded Bitget?

Bitget was founded Sandra Lu who is also the CEO of the platform. She leads a team of professionals from diverse backgrounds to create innovative products that provide financial freedom to users around the world.

BGB Tokenomics

BGB’s total supply is 2 billion. 25% of the supply was exchanged with BFT holders, and the remaining 75% was distributed to other areas of the ecosystem. Of this, 15% was allocated to community building and user acquisition (with a cap of 4% published each year), and another 15% was dedicated to branding and expansion efforts. At the same time, 15% was allocated to capital investment funds, 20% to stimulate the core team and 10% to the investor protection fund.

What is the trading volume of Bitget token in the last 24 hours?

BGB trading volume is US$28,916,041 in the last 24 hours.

What is the highest Bitget token price ever?

BGB has the highest price US$1.15which was achieved at February 17, 2024 (1 week 2 hours ago).

What is the lowest price of Bitget Token?

BGB has the lowest price US$0.0584which was achieved at August 11, 2021 (2 years 6 months ago).

Which exchanges are best for buying and selling BGB?

Currently the most active and dominant exchanges for buying and selling Bitget Token are Binance, Kraken & Kucoin. The most popular Bitget token trading pairs BGB/USDT
). Go to Catalog of crypto trades to access customized and exclusive discounts, vouchers and welcome bonuses from the most popular exchanges.

What are the safest hardware wallets for storing BGB?

According to the process of in-depth analysis and testing, Ledger And Trezor are one of the most secure and popular hardware wallet options for storage Bitget token. For exclusive discounts and promotions on the best crypto wallets, visit Catalog of crypto trades.

Pages related to Bitget token

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A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform where you can buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

Safety varies by exchange. Look for platforms with strong security measures, like two-factor authentication and cold storage for funds.

Consider factors like security, fees, available coins, user interface, and customer support.

Centralized exchanges are managed by a company, while decentralized exchanges operate without a central authority.

Many exchanges require Know Your Customer (KYC) verification for security and regulatory compliance.

Trading fees vary but typically include maker fees (for adding liquidity) and taker fees (for removing liquidity).

Yes, most exchanges offer cryptocurrency-to-cryptocurrency trading pairs.

Withdrawal times depend on the exchange and the cryptocurrency. Some are instant, while others may take hours or even days.

A wallet address is like a bank account number for cryptocurrencies. It’s required to send your crypto to the right place.

Yes, depending on your country’s tax laws, trading cryptocurrencies may have tax consequences. Consult a tax professional for guidance.

Yes, many cryptocurrency exchanges operate 24/7, allowing you to trade at any time.

 A market order buys or sells at the current market price, while a limit order sets a specific price at which you want to buy or sell.

Yes, each exchange sets its own minimum and maximum trading limits, which can vary widely.

It’s not recommended. For security, it’s better to use a cryptocurrency wallet, especially for significant holdings.

Exchanges typically have account recovery processes, including password reset options and support for forgotten usernames.

Some exchanges offer insurance, but coverage can be limited. It’s essential to check an exchange’s insurance policy.

Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of phishing scams and suspicious emails.

Yes, but it’s recommended to learn the basics of trading and understand the risks involved before you start.

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies pegged to the value of a fiat currency like the US dollar. They provide stability and are commonly used for trading and transferring funds on exchanges.

Yes, regulations vary by country. Many countries have implemented or are considering regulations to govern cryptocurrency exchanges for consumer protection and financial stability.

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