Real-time AAVE price analysis
The current price of Aave in real time is $94.47and its trading volume is equal to US$227,847,904 in the last 24 hours. AAVE price has grew by
on the last day and increased by
in the last 7 days. It is important to note that Aave’s current market capitalization is US$1,392,606,112and the maximum offer is 16,000,000 AAVE coins. Speaking of negotiable supply, AAVE has 14 740 996 coins. Aave’s current market rating is #58.
Aave price today
always on top and that’s it
always at a low level.
All data and prices are updated in real time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling AAVE are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more cryptocurrency exchange options on our Cryptocurrency exchange tracker. The most secure hardware wallets to store your cryptocurrency: Ledger And Trezor.
What is Aave (AAVE)?
AAVE is the native token of the protocol of the same name. If you are wondering what the current price of AAVE is, check out the AAVE price chart above. The DeFi protocol revolves around lending and borrowing crypto assets.. Flash loanswhich have been described as the first uncollateralized lending option in the DeFi industry. one of Aave’s signature products.
How does the lending and borrowing process work? Essentially, lenders place their crypto assets into liquidity pools specifically designed for this purpose. In this way, lenders can profit from either the interest paid on the loans or the fees on the term loan.
Once the assets are placed in the pools, they can be used as collateral by borrowers seeking term loans that they will eventually have to repay as part of the same transaction.
Borrowers also have the ability to choose between a fixed or floating interest rate. Fixed rates provide some price stability when the cryptocurrency market begins to fluctuate. On the other hand, variable rates are beneficial when the borrower anticipates an upcoming price drop.
With the Aave v2 protocol update, the protocol introduced several new features, including collateral exchange functionality and collateralized loan repayment. Collateral exchange allows users to exchange their collateral for another supported asset at any time. Secured loan repayment allows borrowers to pay off their secured loan balances in full in one transaction.
The price of AAVE tends to fluctuate widely, which increases its volatility. However, this is a given, since the volatility of the entire crypto market affects the prices of most crypto assets.
History of Aave
When it first debuted in 2017, the name of the protocol was ETHLend. However, in 2018 it was renamed Aave. Aave is a Finnish word meaning “ghost”, which explains the appearance of the little ghosts that can be seen throughout the Aave website. Additionally, it illustrates the company’s transparency and openness. The main reason for rebranding the protocol was to move beyond lending ETH tokens..
The founder of Aave is Stani Kulechov. He is a serial entrepreneur and an early developer of blockchain technology. Stani Kulechov started programming when he was still a teenager. In addition, he studied at the Faculty of Law.
Since its launch, the AAVE token has proven to be unstable. In 2021, AAVE’s price has ranged from $85 at its lowest level to $666 at its highest level, with frequent movements up and down almost daily.
Purpose of AAVE Tokens
AAVE tokens have three main purposes:
- Governance token. AAVE owners can vote on decisions regarding protocol development;
- Reward for bet. AAVE tokens can be earned through staking. Users can either directly stake AAVE tokens or BPT (Balancer Pool Tokens) to earn AAVE;
- Mitigation Tool. The AAVE rate serves as an insurance policy that will cover any shortcomings.
AAVE Tokenomics
AAVE tokens are deflationary, meaning they have a fixed supply of 16 million tokens. Since AAVE coins are burned whenever the system charges a fee, the circulating supply correlates with the fixed supply. If you are planning to purchase AAVE coins, you should analyze the AAVE price chart.
In 2017 AAVE Initial Coin Offering (ICO) took place, during which one billion AAVE coins were sold. In this way, about $16.2 million was collected. The AAVE price during the ICO was $0.0162. After the ICO, 23% of AAVE supply was dedicated to the protocol and its founders.
AAVE tends to follow the trends set by major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) And Ethereum (ETH). Therefore, before purchasing an asset, carefully study the current AAVE price and its fluctuations. You should also keep an eye on overall market sentiment.
What is Aave’s trading volume in the last 24 hours?
AAVE has trading volume US$227,847,904 in the last 24 hours.
What is the highest price in Aave?
AAVE has the highest price $666.86which was achieved at May 18, 2021 (2 years 9 months ago).
What is the lowest price in Aave?
AAVE has the lowest price $0.00which was achieved at October 02, 2020 (3 years 4 months ago).
Which exchanges are best for buying and selling AAVE?
Currently the most active and dominant exchanges for buying and selling Aave are Binance, Kraken & Kucoin. The most popular Aave trading pairs AAVE/USDT
Huobi Global
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Which hardware wallets are the most secure for storing AAVE?
According to the process of in-depth analysis and testing, Ledger And Trezor are one of the most secure and popular hardware wallet options for storage Aave. For exclusive discounts and promotions on the best crypto wallets, visit Catalog of crypto trades.
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