Real-time TUSD price analysis
The current price of TrueUSD in real time is $0.9729and its trading volume is equal to US$61,895,068 in the last 24 hours. TUSD price has fell on
on the last day and decreased by
in the last 7 days. It is important to note that TrueUSD’s current market capitalization is US$1,253,542,338Speaking of negotiable supply, TUSD has 1 288 456 472 coins. Currently, TrueUSD’s market rating is #61.
TrueUSD price today
always on top and that’s it
always at a low level.
All data and prices are updated in real time. The most active and popular exchanges for buying or selling TUSD are Binance, Kucoin & Kraken. Find more cryptocurrency exchange options on our Cryptocurrency exchange tracker. The most secure hardware wallets to store your cryptocurrency: Ledger And Trezor.
What is TrueUSD (TUSD)?
TrueUSD is a stablecoin, meaning that the price of TUSD remains stable even when the cryptocurrency market fluctuates. This is so because TrueUSD is pegged to the US dollar in a 1:1 ratio. this means that one TUSD token is equal to 1 US dollar. TUSD is available on several networks including Ethereum, THRONE, BSK, Polygonand many others.
WITH TrueUSD’s US dollar holdings are spread across multiple bank accounts held by various Nevada trust is regulated by the Nevada Department of Business and Industry.
The main purpose of the crypto asset TrueUSD or any other stablecoin, is to combat the increased liquidity of the cryptocurrency market. Since the price of TUSD manages to remain stable even during periods of strong fluctuations, it helps reduce market volatility.
In addition, it provides investors with a Plan B that they can use to exchange their assets into TrueUSD, maintaining a stable value during large fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market.
Note that the aforementioned price stability of TUSD does not mean that it does not fluctuate at all. This is true; however, TrueUSD’s price range remains close to $1. It usually does not fall below $0.97 and does not exceed $1.02.
Founders of TrueUSD
The company creating TrueUSD tokens is TrustToken. TrustToken is a platform for asset tokenization.. The company aims to someday offer the tools needed to tokenize and transact real-world physical assets on blockchains in a way that is verifiable, regulated, and collateralized.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has listed TrustToken and is regulated as a Federal Cash Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
The company was founded Rafael Cosman, Jai An, Stephen CadeAnd Tory Reiss. Before founding TrustToken, Kosman worked at Google as a machine learning engineer, and Jai An worked as a data scientist at Kernel. Cade founded NeuroTechX, and Reiss worked at Microsoft in business development.
How are TrueUSD tokens created?
TrustToken uses deposit accounts. These are third-party accounts in which escrowed assets are held until the buyer and seller agree on a transaction. To reduce counterparty risk and provide token holders with legal protection against misappropriation, TrueUSD uses multiple escrow accounts..
Every time US dollars are deposited into an escrow account, new TUSD tokens are created. An equivalent amount of TrueUSD is instantly burned when the token holder converts TUSD to USD.
Thus, with the help of smart contracts, TUSD is generated and burned automatically. This ensures that the amount in the escrow accounts is always equal to the total amount of TrueUSD in circulation. This balance also ensures that the price of TrueUSD remains within $1.
What is the trading volume of TrueUSD in the last 24 hours?
TUSD has trading volume US$61,895,068 in the last 24 hours.
What is the highest TrueUSD price ever?
TUSD has the highest price US$1.36which was achieved at May 16, 2018 (5 years 9 months ago).
What is the lowest TrueUSD price ever?
TUSD has the lowest price US$0.1303which was achieved at December 11, 2022 (1 year 2 months ago).
What are the best exchanges for buying and selling TUSD?
Currently the most active and dominant exchanges for buying and selling TrueUSD are Binance, Kraken & Kucoin. The most popular TrueUSD trading pairs BTC/TUSD
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What are the safest hardware wallets for storing TUSD?
According to the process of in-depth analysis and testing, Ledger And Trezor are one of the most secure and popular hardware wallet options for storage TrueUSD. For exclusive discounts and promotions on the best crypto wallets, visit Catalog of crypto trades.
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