Speculation began to swirl when prominent crypto voice on X, @WallStreetMav, posted on X that FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried could receive an early pardon under the Biden administration. In this post, Elon Musk, owner of X and CEO of Tesla, shared his opinion on the situation that sparked discussion in the community.
Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, came under scrutiny after the exchange’s collapse. The founder is also known as the Democrats’ second-largest donor. The founder and members of his team donated nearly $70 million during the 2022 midterm elections. Due to such a huge amount of donations from SBF, @WallStreetMav pointed out the possibility of early pardons for SBF under the Biden administration.
Elon Musk weighs in
Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, chimed in and responded to the message by saying, “I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t happen.” This comment from Musk has further fueled public speculation as the comment suggests that SBF’s previous political connections could influence the outcome of his case. This influence can also lead to pardon or leniency. This comment from Elon Musk sparks debate about the intersection of politics, power and justice in the crypto community.
Polymarket data and public opinion
Amid the spread of these rumors, the famous news publication Wu Blockchain highlighted one more point. According to predictive betting platform Polymarket, the odds of Joe Biden pardoning SBF are currently just 13%.
Since Elon Musk commented on the post, the chances of SBF being pardoned have increased. Wu Block said the rate is 5%, but the odds are currently 13%.
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