Acquired on the Internet directly from CardMiths Bitcoin Card, obtained for one BTC, worth $ 108,786 in January, compared to its festive foreign currency set of 2024, which includes festive and crypto shopping cards.
Together with the cards of the gingerbread man and Charles Dickens, cards of crypto -signs are also included, which can be found in about 1 out of every 96 packages. This, in particular, was worth a complete bitcoin.

“This is the last discovery from our series of shopping cards Currency Holid 2024 simply shows that any Pack Pull can become experience over time,” said Steve Loni, owner of CardSmiths.
In addition to the Bitcoins repayment map, the set includes ransom cards for other outstanding crypto -aciates such as Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (Doge).
This is not the first bitcoin repayment card, discovered from the CardMiths series package, but it is one of the largest ransom in the history of the company.
Last year, the collector found another complete Bitcoin repayment card In a package of cards for 33 dollars sold in Gamestop. Just the same, but Gamestop in Texas He sold the packaging to the collector, who found a full repayment card of bitcoins in March 2024.
The maternal company CardSmith Tonyk initially indicated that five bitcoins were repaid with the first series. It is unclear whether this counting includes future sets, but at least three full bitcoin cards were found and publicly disclosed to date in its several sets.
Currently, all series of currencies with Crypto Redemption are sold on the web site from CardMiths, but the manufacturer will release Currency Series 5 and Space: Galactic Edition at the end of this year. In each series, cryptographic cards inserted will be inserted.
Edited by Andrew Hayworda