WITH Bitcoin is trading for $ 90,000 For the first time with November 2024, Altcoins are on the tendency to reduceField with Numerous altcoins are fighting hold Critical support levelsIN Rendering is in the risk of potential breakdownField
Will it be The gap leads to the mass circle in accordance with Psychological brand 1 dollar? Let’s find out.
Price analysis: bear prospects?
IN Weekly schedule, Render of pricing trends reveals Massive fall After reaching swing of a maximum of 11.75 dollarsThe field however Bull tendency could not support the impulseresulting in Rapid change in rendering price in early DecemberField
WITH bull exhaustion, Render of pricing trends fell Almost 65% in market estimateField currently Altcoin is trading at the market value of $ 3.72With fall 10.71% this weekField
This notes his own Second bear week in a rowaccounting 14% falland a 17% two -week fallField with DecemberIN Renderin could not celebrate more than three bull weeksmaintaining a Pure bear tendencyField
WITH Reducing the trend, The weekly line RSI Now close to achieving the level of resold borderThe field besides 50 and 100-week lines EMA Warning Potential crossoverField
Thus, Technical indicators warn of a potential accident V Render of pricing trendsThe field besides Rendering token price close to $ 3.60 support levelField
In the case Bear Continuation below this critical support, The fall in rendering will apply a significant impulseField based on Weekly schedule, The fall in rendering will probably check support levels in the amount of $ 2.73 or $ 1.19.Field
Analyst Forecast: Will the Fracture refuse below $ 3.30?
In accordance with Ali MartinezA Crypto is an analyst, Altcoin is installed for mass loweringField in him Recent tweet, The analyst represents decisive support for rendering at $ 3.30Field
In the case Altcoin is torn under this level of supportProbably required lower psychological support for 1 US dollarThe field however Lower price deviation in the last few weekly candles near $ 3.60 support level Hinting at Potential reboundField
In the case Bull change, EMA 100-day line at a price of $ 5.81 is Immediate key resistanceThis marks the field growth potential 40% for rendering if it is maintains dominance above $ 3.60Field
On the other side, Risk lack of risk extends from 27% to almost 70%Field